
The reason you keep coming back

Paul Mitchell

26 September 2022

Ready to hit a Flop Shot
Ready to hit a Flop Shot

Every stroke counts the same, there’s no pictures on the scorecard and so on… true, but some shots feel better. Have you ever found yourself short-sided with a bunker between you and the green, a high-lofted wedge in-hand and no wriggle room?

Pulling off that heroic moment – the famous Tiger Woods Flop Shot – is one of those that feels special. It’s a beauty when executed and a disaster when it goes wrong, which just makes it all the more enticing. When you get a chance to hit a proper Flop Shot, you desperately want to pull it off – more than a standard wedge shot.

RAW grooves
RAW grooves

The wedge for the flop shot

Firstly, you’ve got to have the right wedge in your bag: a high-lofted option that lets you get under the ball and send it up into the air with plenty of control.

What sort of wedge would that be?

These days, we’re lucky enough to have high-toe, full-face wedges like the TaylorMade Hi-Toe RAW model that are made specifically for this; allowing you to open up the club and let the ball slide across the face at impact (this is also very useful out of bunkers, but that’s less fun). However, that extended face contact doesn’t do much good if your wedge isn’t biting onto the ball to create the spin you need (that ball has to stop double-quick with a flop shot, so Spin is King).

TaylorMade Hi-Toe RAW wedge
TaylorMade Hi-Toe RAW wedge

TaylorMade combated that by using full-face grooves in the Hi-Toe wedges. That means more face contact, which translates to more control and more spin. Not only that, the RAW grooves grab that golf ball at impact like no wedge you’ve experienced before, so you’re getting the best grooves and you’re getting more of them!

Stop by our pro shop to look, feel and maybe even hit these wedges. We’d love to show you just how amazing they are and see you hit that Flop Shot we all enjoy so much.

browse TaylorMade wedges